domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016

Good afternoon families!!

This week we made an innovation and we changed the "good morning song" and the "weather song". The changes are important and we decided to add some difficulty with more steps in the choreography.

Good morning song:

Weather song:

Another song that they like very much is:

This week we had Joel's birthday and we celebrated this special day singing the Happy Birthday song and eating the delicious cake that Joel's mom brought to the school! :)


Continuing with the food... Look how our rabbits recharge their batteries at the snack time and in the lunch room. The don't waste anything!!

Mouths full of chocolate!! haha! :)

We have concluded with Joan Miró doing a group activity with the smartboard.

We've been working the "day and the night" relating it to the concepts "silence and noise". During the day the sun is shinning and we can hear the motor of the cars, birds singing, children playing at the park, and during the night the moon settles in the sky and everyone is quiet because it´s time to go to sleep and rest.

For this activity they had to color in the sun when they were listening the "hokey pokey" song, and the moon when the sleeping music song was playing.

For this second activity, they had to pretend they were sleeping when the relaxing music was playing and dance when they listened to the "hokey pokey". 

Daddy´s day is coming and they are working on the special gift for their dads!!

And after all the work, they deserve a reward...

Martina with her teddy...

Joel taking a nap...

The artist...

The bikers...

Our neighbor Anna...

Valentina missing Flama, her pet...

See you tomorrow!!! Hope you enjoyed the weekend!